Offre spéciale St Valentin : -5% sur tout* le site jusqu'au 16/02 inclus avec le code promo PB2025 (*hors promo en cours)
Hope now offer a new line of clipless pedals with the ‘Union’ models aimed at XC, trail and DH riders, joining the famous and reliable F20 and F12 flat pedals already in its range. The Dual mechanism of these new Union pedals was designed to offer easy pedal entry, secure cleat holding and positive, consistent release. Each pedal/shoes contact side was optimized for better stability and power transfer . The Union RC Race are the lightest version, dedicated to XC and Racing. They feature a small and fully CNC machined platform available in 6 different colours, a titanium spindle and 3 cartridge bearing + igus bushing that provide long term durability and easy maintenance as Hope use to offer for all their products
Hope weight : 324 gr
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